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Coping with Homesickness

Moving abroad to set up a new life, and leave everything you’ve ever known behind, can feel both exciting and daunting at the same time. Feeling homesick can be one of the first major challenges that some expatriates face. Knowing what Homesickness is, and the symptoms to watch out for, will make a huge difference in supporting yourself as and when it strikes.


It’s not often us expats actually realise we’re suffering with homesickness and those that do rarely ever talk about it. However if ignored, it could potentially have a huge negative impact with your transition and settling in period.  Having this mini e-guide, to not only inform you of what to watch out for, but also provide you with 10 Steps for Coping with Homesickness, could potentially make all the difference to settling in your new life as a new expatriate.


It’s totally free and all you need to do is Sign up as per below and you’ll gain access to it straight away.


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